How Long Does It Take for Ketamine IV Therapy to Work?

Ketamine Iv Therapy Myrtle Beach, SC

Ketamine IV therapy has been gaining popularity in recent months. This therapy is now approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat depression. You should consider ketamine if other drugs have not been effective in helping with your depression symptoms. If you want to know how long it takes for ketamine IV therapy to work, here are the details.

Causes of depression

There are varying degrees of depression, and many people experience the condition to some degree. Adolescents and adults can become depressed in the midst of a significant life change, such as a new job. Depression can also come after a traumatic event, heavy stress, or relationship problems. In most cases, these feelings will subside with minimal intervention. A clinically depressed person has a chemical imbalance in the brain. Difficult life situations and substance abuse can heighten depression.

Looking at ketamine infusion

During the Vietnam war of the 1960s and 1970s, U.S. military doctors used a drug called ketamine as an anesthetic. This drug relieved severe pain that soldiers felt after suffering from battlefield injuries. Today, doctors use ketamine IV therapy to treat depression and its symptoms. The drug targets glutamate neurotransmitters, attaching to them and regulating communication with receptors. This pathway affects a person’s mood and thought process.

Smaller doses of ketamine are effective in treating patients with treatment-resistant depression. It is still an off-label drug, which is why it is the last resort for many doctors. Ketamine is a well-known party drug. It has addictive properties in high doses. Ketamine infusion only gives the drug in low doses. The treatment is only available in a medical facility, which does not give an opportunity for abuse.

Ketamine IV therapy does cause hallucination and dissociation during and after the session. That is why the patient must stay for observation. The patient will only leave when the doctor says so. Until then, the medical staff will keep an eye on the patient. Disorientation is also a normal reaction. The patient must not perform tasks, operate machinery, or drive for the rest of the day.

What happens during the first session

The first visit will involve a review of the patient’s health. A complete mental health screening. A medical and general physical exam will follow. These tests will give the doctor a complete image of the patient’s physical and mental well-being. The information will help the therapy team plan a custom-fit level of care for the patient.

The doctor could also order a precautionary urine test. This will rule out any indication of illegal drug use. Patients taking controlled medication must provide proof of the prescription’s validity. The patient must have a pre-arranged ride back home from the medical facility. A close friend or relative must go with the patient to the session.

The patient will settle in a lounge chair. Then, the infusion will start and last for about 45-60 minutes. The patient will be under observation throughout the treatment. Transferring the patient to a relaxing recovery room will come after the session. The staff will keep an eye on the patient until the patient is ready to go home.

The benefits of the treatment

Ketamine infusion is fast-acting and effective. Relief often comes a few hours after the treatment. The effects may last for many days. Traditional antidepressants often take weeks before they begin to work.

Ketamine IV therapy targets glutamate, which is the main neurotransmitter in the brain. Glutamate regulates behavior and mood. Targeting glutamate has more significant effects than targeting the other neurotransmitters. Antidepressants target less prevalent dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine neurotransmitters.

Tips for ketamine IV therapy sessions

Maximizing the patient’s experience with ketamine infusion is important. This can happen by avoiding stressful activities during the treatment. The patient must stay calm by listening to a relaxing playlist. Choosing music without any words is ideal. Lyrics can be distracting when trying to achieve relaxation. Meditating before the ketamine IV therapy can prevent racing thoughts.

Ketamine IV therapy can provide speedy, effective, and lasting relief

Depression can rob you of your happiness and quality of life. Quick and effective relief is available for severe depression or suicidal patients. Having ketamine IV therapy will take hours a week, but the effects will last for days. Receiving the treatment in a medical facility keeps the sessions regulated. You and your doctor can work together to create a custom treatment for your condition. Then you can lead a better life.

Get more information about Future Psych Ketamine Clinics in Myrtle Beach at

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