Reasons to Consider Evaluation by a Psychiatrist for Your Adolescent Child

Reasons to Consider Evaluation by a Psychiatrist for Your Adolescent Child from Future Psych Ketamine Clinics in Myrtle Beach, SCAdolescents may need the guidance of a psychiatrist. Many teens struggle during this phase. The challenges of adolescence may become too much for your teen. The problem may not pass right away. Paying attention to your adolescent can help you find the right kind of help. If you want to know the reasons for bringing your adolescent child to a psychiatrist, here are the details.

Frequent use of drugs or alcohol

The teen may resort to using these substances to cope with negative emotions. Teens may think that using these products is acceptable among friends. The experimentation can lead to destructive effects. Addiction may develop. The teen may also have impaired judgment.

Drinking alcohol and taking drugs are ways of self-medicating. Teens think that these substances can relieve their negative feelings and thoughts. Some of them even believe that alcohol and drugs are harmless. Using these substances to fix a crisis is not a good thing. Each time the teen finds short-term relief, the urge to use them again becomes stronger.

Bringing the teen in for a visit with the psychiatrist can determine if there is a mental condition or an abuse issue. The teen will be suitable for dual diagnosis treatment. Both problems must have the right treatment. This will have a positive result. It can also prevent a relapse.

Difficulty functioning each day

This is a common sign that the person is developing a mental health crisis. The problem may be getting serious enough to impact school performance or relationships. The teen may not have the motivation to get up in the morning. Grades may start slipping. Below are some signs that the adolescent is not functioning in a normal way:

  • Low energy
  • A significant drop in grades
  • Strange behavior
  • Failure to cope with minor frustrations
  • Lack of personal hygiene
  • Frequent tardiness or absences
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Struggle in making decisions

Rapid and intense mood changes

Teens are popular for having mood swings. This may be due to hormonal fluctuations and changes. Occasional moodiness is a normal thing for teens. If the moodiness becomes frequent and intense, seeing a psychiatrist is necessary.

Preoccupied with appearance

Physical appearance can affect teens too much. Unwanted weight gain may also occur during adolescence. These significant changes in a teen’s body may be too much for the teen to bear. The teen may feel pressured to look thin. This can develop into an eating disorder.

The teen’s sexuality may also be a cause for distress, especially for teens with a history of sexual abuse. Going outside and dressing up may become an issue. Fear of being in a public place may also develop. The teen may develop anxiety or start substance abuse. Seeing a psychiatrist can help the teen refocus on more important things.

Aggression and anger

A teen may become violent, angry, and destructive in a frequent manner. This can cause harm to oneself and other people. Seeing a psychiatrist can stabilize the teen’s thoughts and emotions. The patient can go through regular treatment. This can help control aggressive impulses and intense emotions.

Check out what others are saying about our mental wellness services on Yelp: Psychiatrist in Myrtle Beach, SC

Seeing a psychiatrist can help your teen child overcome many difficulties

Teens face challenges as they go through different changes in their lives. Your adolescent may be getting overwhelmed by the demands of being a teen. Bringing your child in to see a psychiatrist can help you understand what is truly happening. This can then give way to proper treatments. Catching your child’s call for help can help improve your teen’s health and quality of life.

Request an appointment or call Future Psych Ketamine Clinics at 843-788-9718 for an appointment in our Myrtle Beach office.

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