Can a Ketamine Infusion Help with Depression?

Ketamine Infusion Myrtle Beach, SC

Ketamine infusion can manage psychiatric disorders, especially depression. Psychiatrists start this treatment in patients who have severe depression. These patients tend to develop a resistance to standard depression treatments. To help them recover right away, psychiatrists start them on ketamine infusion therapy. If you want to find out if this treatment can help patients with depression, here are the facts.

The reason for using ketamine infusion therapy

Psychiatrists prescribe SNRIs or SSRIs to patients who suffer from depression. These reuptake inhibitors prevent the body from reabsorbing norepinephrine and serotonin. The neurotransmitters help to carry signals between neurons in the patient’s brain. Oral reuptake inhibitors increase the levels of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Then, there will be stronger communication between nerve cells. This will then improve the patient’s mood.

Some patients do not improve with antidepressants. It usually takes four to eight weeks for oral antidepressants to work. For patients who have severe depression, the wait is too long. The symptoms must improve right away to prevent complications. This is when psychiatrists start ketamine infusion therapy.

What to expect

Ketamine infusion therapy can treat a lot of psychiatric disorders. Psychiatrists find it effective in treating severe depression as well. Each session will be custom-fit for each patient. This is important because every patient has a different set of needs. The consultation makes sure that the patient’s treatment is proper and enough.

The patient will go through a series of physical exams. The results will tell the psychiatrist why the patient is resistant to antidepressants. Then, the psychiatrist will discuss the treatment plan with the patient. This is an important aspect because the patient should understand and agree to the steps. The patient can ask questions during this time.

When it is time to start the infusion, the patient will go to a private room to relax. Staff can provide music or turn on the television for the patient. If the patient loves music, earphones and the right playlist are available. A television, movie options, and reading material are also ready for the patient. The psychiatrist will then connect the patient to monitors. As the patient becomes comfortable, the ketamine infusion will start.

A ketamine infusion session usually takes 45-60 minutes to complete. The psychiatrist will connect the IV line to the patient’s arm. Feeling the cool fluid as it passes through the veins is natural. The ketamine infusion induces various sensations. Some patients feel intoxicated but in a euphoric kind of way, while others feel nauseated. That is why patients must have a driver after the session.

The side effects

Ketamine also has several side effects. Even so, they do not linger at all. The possible side effects include elevated blood pressure and dissociation. These may be noticeable during the early parts of the therapy. Then, they disappear right away. Ketamine infusion does not have the lasting side effects that oral antidepressants usually have.

The things that could happen after ketamine infusion

The results of this treatment can benefit the patient. That is why the patient must prepare for the things that can happen during and after the infusion. Doing so can help the patient adjust better. Good adjustment can help the patient maximize the benefits of ketamine infusion. Below are some of the things that could happen after a ketamine infusion:

  • The patient may feel vulnerable after. This may involve facing traumatic experiences or near death. Immersing in these situations can make the patient emotionally raw. Journaling or talking to someone can help release unprocessed emotions.
  • There could be tiredness or fatigue after the infusion. Each ketamine infusion session allows the patient to take a journey. This could result in exhaustion. A higher dose can tire you out. Being anxious before the treatment can also result in tiredness.
  • Confusion may set in after the treatment. The patient may end up hazy about what the patient saw. There could be questions after the treatment. The patient can rest assured that the healthcare professionals believe the experience, which may take days to unload.
  • The patient may end up feeling nauseous after the infusion session. A higher dose often causes a floaty sensation, which may last for many hours. The healthcare provider can prescribe medications to relieve nausea.
  • There could be a peaceful, inspired feeling after. These positive emotions can maximize the positive effects of the ketamine infusion.

Ketamine infusion therapy is effective if you have severe depression

Oral antidepressants are the primary treatment for depression. These usually take weeks to take effect. If you have severe depression, your psychiatrist will change your treatment plan. You must go through ketamine infusion therapy. This therapy will give you quick relief in a matter of hours or days. Working with your psychiatrist makes monitoring your progress easier.

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