Ketamine Therapy For Depression

Explore Your Options For Depression Treatment in Myrtle Beach

We’ll probably never forget 2020. Mostly because of the pandemic, but also for the social turmoil and unrest that’s already spilling into the new year. The economic struggles and adjustments accompanying all of these issues are starting to take a toll on the way people feel.

Now, the new year is a chance at a new beginning. An opportunity to move forward in positivity and wellness. It’s OK if you’re feeling a little down these days.

You’re not alone!

The darkness of depression is something that affects an estimated 1 in 6 Americans. Luckily, many will find relief in medications and/or therapy.

But what about the estimated 30% of patients who still can’t find relief from their depression symptoms?

Depression, Anxiety, and other common mental health disorders can be crippling for those who can’t find relief. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a debilitating illness associated with frequent relapses, persistent symptoms, and incomplete recovery.

Major Depression can…

interfere with daily activities….

cause persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest…

And, ultimately, cause people to lose hope.

Depression can negatively impact relationships, disrupt school and career goals, and rob people of the peace and happiness they hope for in life. In the worst cases, some people feel as if life isn’t worth living anymore.

Understanding Ketamine Therapy Options For Relief

Sometimes medication and talk therapy don’t work. Antidepressants can also cause a variety of unwanted side effects locking patients into a cycle of trying new medication after medication. It’s exhausting and frustrating but now, Ketamine Therapy can provide hope for relief!

Spravato (Nasal Spray)

Spravato(esketamine) is an FDA-approved treatment for depression. It helps patients with treatment-resistant depression who have tried other treatments to no avail. The nasal spray; like IV Ketamine, acts on the most prominent signaling network in the brain: the glutamate system. Spravato blocks glutamate's action on specific sites called NMDA receptors, causing severe depression to vanish. NMDA stands for N-methyl-Daspartate, an amino acid derivative.

Spravato is the first antidepressant to act on the glutamate system. It works as rapidly as 1 week to reduce or resolve depression symptoms. Older medications, such as Prozac, act on another key chemical system in the brain — serotonin — and can take as long as six to eight weeks to ease depression, studies have shown. Prozac and drugs like it are known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which beat back depression by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.

IV Ketamine

Ketamine, when administered intravenously, is an innovative and effective way to help find relief for those suffering from treatment-resistant depression. One of the reasons why Ketamine Infusion Therapy is gaining in popularity is because patients start experiencing benefits within a few hours instead of a few weeks or months. IV Ketamine provides the fastest way to get ketamine to the brain which explains why so many experience rapid relief - especially when it comes to suicidal ideation.

Wondering which Ketamine Therapy is right for you?

Start by taking our confidential assessment and our team will help you create a path to mental wellness.

We’re Dedicated To The Mental Health Needs Of Myrtle Beach

If you or a loved one suffers from depression and nothing seems to work, you might be wondering how anyone can really relate to what you’re going through. You want to get better, but it’s hard to see through the heavy veil of depression. Maybe you’ve tried antidepressants without relief.

We understand, and our team is here for you! We are committed to providing the best advanced psychiatric care in the Myrtle Beach community. Our goal is to put you on the path to healing so you can live a rich and fluffing life in 2021 and beyond.

Start With Our Ketamine Questionnaire

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